
03 / Mar / 2021

Daniel Pastorino defended his doctoral studies entitled “Closed-form methodology for the structural analysis of composite plates with cutouts”

Daniel Pastorino defended his doctoral studies entitled “Closed-form methodology for the structural analysis of composite plates with cutouts”

The past 27th of January, our researcher Daniel Pastorino defended his PhD thesis entitled “Closed-form methodology for the structural analysis of composite plates with cutouts”, which has been tutored by the Group of Elasticity and Strength of Materials from the University of Seville.

The research work has the objective of developing a semi-analytical methodology for the structural calculation of composite plates with cutouts, with the aim of being implemented and used by calculation engineers during the first phases of the component’s design for the aerospace industry. During the research, an article has been published in a high-impact journal (Composite Structures), and the developments have been presented in one national conference (MATCOMP15), and two international (ICCS19 and MECHCOMP3). In addition, the researcher did a research stay of four months at the National Cheng Kung University (Republic of China) in order to apply for the international PhD distinction. The final grade of the research work was Outstanding.

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