
13 / Dec / 2019

FIDAMC participated at FiBreMoD 2019

FIDAMC participated at  FiBreMoD 2019

Our colleague Verónica Rodríguez García attended to the “FiBreMod School and Conference” organized by the FiBreMoD consortium the 9th-12th December at KU Leuven. In this event, focused on merging theory with experiments for improved mechanical performance of fibre-reinforced composites, experts in the field have given talks and provided an overview of the state of the art during the first two days. During the congress, Verónica has presented her work “Manufacturing and characterization of bio-inspired CFRP”, showing her advances in the study of the mechanical properties of nacre-like composite materials manufactured automatically. Interesting studies have been shown in this congress, not only on the prediction and characterization of the mechanical behavior of composite materials, but also on the measurement of constituent properties, as well as experimental validation techniques.

Thanks to the FiBreMod consortium and all its members for the good organization and success of this event.

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