Lastest news
On 27th and 28th September, Madrid will be the setting for the 15th edition of La Noche de los Investigadores, an event that aims to bring science and innovation to the general public.
See the full article: Researchers' Night
Fidamc is participating in the major European HERWINGT project, a key initiative in the development of innovative technologies for the next generation of regional aircraft.
See the full article: European Project Herwingt
Los días 18 y 19 de septiembre de 2024 tuvo lugar en el Parque Tecnológico Vasco de Zamudio, cerca de Bilbao, la reunión de lanzamiento del proyecto ECORES WIND.
See the full article: ECORES WIND Project
In accordance with our ethical principles and commitment to society, Fidamc's management has promoted the implementation of the Equality Management System certification.
See the full article: SGI 20.10 Seal
On September 27th, the Círculo de Bellas Artes became the epicenter of science and outreach during the celebrated Night of Researchers.
See the full article: The Night of Researchers at the Círculo de Bellas Artes
Ernesto González, CEO de Fidamc, fue uno de los participantes destacados en una reciente mesa redonda organizada por la revista Fly News.
See the full article: Fidamc's CEO, Ernesto González, participates in a round table organized by Fly News on the challenges of talent in the aerospace industry
Fidamc, Official Collaborating Entity of the 2nd International Summit on Equality, Non-Discrimination and Diversity, that will take place the 28th november 2024 in Madrid.
Read article: Fidamc, Official Collaborating Entity of the 2nd International Summit on Equality, Non-Discrimination and Diversity
Ernesto González, director de Fidamc, compartió su visión sobre los avances y desafíos en el ámbito de los materiales compuestos en la industria aeroespacial, así como el papel que Fidamc juega en este campo.
Read article: Actuality Aeroespacial interviews Ernesto González, CEO of Fidamc
ECO-AERO fomentará la innovación en el sector aeroespacial al integrar tecnologías como la fabricación aditiva, la inteligencia artificial aplicada y la robótica en fabricación inteligente
Read article: Fidamc participates in the ECO-AERO project, which drives the future of aerospace innovation in Spain
The Fidamc team will be present at Advanced Manufacturing Madrid, the leading event for industrial transformation in Spain, which will be held at IFEMA MADRID on November 20 and 21, 2024.
Read article: Fidamc participará en la feria Advanced Manufacturing Madrid
Este artículo no solo refleja el compromiso de nuestra organización con la innovación y la sostenibilidad, sino que también pone de manifiesto la creciente relevancia de los materiales compuestos en la transformación del transporte aéreo.
Read article: FLos materiales compuestos: el futuro sostenible de la aviación en palabras de Ernesto González Durán
Do you want to specialize in the assembly and sealing of complex structures? FIDAMC invites you to participate in an intensive course designed to train professionals in sectors such as aeronautics, aerospace, nautical, railway and energy.
Read article: Nuevo Curso en Fidamc
La participación de Fidamc en la Feria Advanced Manufacturing 2024 fue un gran éxito, pues consolidó su posición como referente en el sector de los materiales compuestos.
Read article: Gran éxito de Fidamc en la feria Advanced Manufacturing 2024
El pasado 28 de noviembre, Fidamc participó como entidad colaboradora en el 2º Summit Internacional de Igualdad, No Discriminación y Diversidad, celebrado en Madrid.
Read article: Fidamc en el 2º Summit Internacional de Igualdad, No Discriminación y Diversidad
At Fidamc we are excited to announce the Curso Intensivo de Fabricación con Materiales Compuestosdesigned for professionals, students and enthusiasts who wish to delve into the most advanced techniques in this sector.
Read article: New Course at Fidamc: Composites Manufacturing
Fidamc ha recibido la renovación oficial de nuestra acreditación Nadcap para Ensayos de Materiales No Metálicos.
Read article: Fidamc renueva la acreditación Nadcap
Juan Carlos Southwood, Responsable de Programas No Aeronáuticos y Proyectos Financiados y Responsable de Desarrollo de Negocio, nos habla de los hitos y desafíos a los que se enfrentaron el año pasado y qué espera en 2025.
Read article: Concesión del CFA
Fidamc y la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC) han establecido un convenio de colaboración y patrocinio para apoyar al equipo Ü Motorsport en la fabricación de piezas y componentes de materiales compuestos para el monoplaza.
Read article: Fidamc y la URJC firman un convenio de colaboración
Fidamc y la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC) han establecido un convenio de colaboración y patrocinio para apoyar al equipo Ü Motorsport en la fabricación de piezas y componentes de materiales compuestos para el monoplaza.
Read article: Fidamc y la URJC firman un convenio de colaboración
At Fidamc we have years of experience in the aeronautical sector, which allows us to transfer the vast knowledge acquired to other industrial sectors, where weight reduction and environmental protection are key priorities.
We have the capacity to develop test plans to validate structural and functional concepts, covering all stages of the innovation process, from the initial phases to the most advanced and closest to industrial application.We develop all the necessary elements for the complete execution of the tests, including physical-chemical and mechanical characterisation tests of materials, the definition of manufacturing processes and tooling, as well as the necessary equipment to process the materials and the quality verification tools.
We develop highly innovative processes that respond to current market needs, reduce manufacturing costs and increase production rates. These innovations are applied to various technologies, such as thermoset prepreg, resin transfer processes (infusion and injection techniques for thermosets), thermoplastics, advanced high-speed manufacturing processes (Industry 4.0 and digitalisation), process analysis and simulation, and additive manufacturing.
Thermosets Prepreg
We have exceptional facilities with the necessary industrial equipment and state-of-the-art equipment. We have automatic taping equipment for the manufacture of large-scale demonstrators in both ATL (Automated Tape Lay-up) and AFP (Automated Fibre Placement) processes and for dry or pre-impregnated material. We also have equipment for membrane or press forming, forming and curing in an autoclave oven or press. Finally, and when the project requires it, we manufacture special devices.
We specialise in:
- Developments of high structural integration of components, both for torsional box structures of airframes, fuselages and space launchers, whose structural concepts and processes are validated by means of full-scale demonstrators.
- Analysis of the architecture of laminates to optimise their structural behaviour and manufacturability.
We also incorporate our own technologies in the development of materials that do not require autoclave curing (AoA). This is the case of the DVD project for components previously certified with autoclave curing, where a clear reduction in manufacturing costs is achieved while maintaining the same mechanical properties.
Link to Thermoset Prepreg Projects
Dry fiber and resin transfer processing
Automatic dry fibre taping.
We manufacture aeronautical stiffened structures through infusion processes and manufacture complex geometry components by RTM (Resin Transfer Molding) such as window frames, frames, beams and other highly integrated elements.
Automatic Fiber Placement AFP (Automatic Fiber Placement) taping of fuselage panels and airframe surfaces.
Optimisation of manufacturing conditions to ensure component formability (by press or membrane) and infusibility.
We currently have a machine that allows the thermoplastic material to be consolidated during the taping process itself (‘in-situ’ consolidation process). In-situ’ consolidation makes it possible to dispense with the autoclave or oven and the integration of the stiffening elements is also carried out, which saves costs in the component manufacturing process.
This development has been carried out in collaboration with MTorres and Airbus DS, within the framework of different projects financed through the CDTI and the European Union.
There is also extensive know-how in the manufacture of thermoplastic components for the aeronautical sector by means of press forming or stove-forming processes.
These capabilities extend, as in the rest of the cases, to the characterisation of the material from the physical-chemical and mechanical point of view and to the performance of the appropriate quality inspections of the manufactured component.
Much of the knowledge is available in specific training courses.
Link to Thermoplastic Projects
Analysis and simulation of processes
FIDAMC has a highly experienced team in structural design and optimisation. Its capabilities include structural analysis, design optimisation (CATIA), analysis of finite element models (ABAQUS and NASTRAN) and fracture mechanics studies, a field in which it is developing several doctoral theses and participating in projects financed by the European Union.
From the point of view of manufacturing processes, the simulation of: Filling times, resin distribution and flow in infusion and injection processes, prediction of fibre distortion in forming processes (press and membrane), forming capabilities of complex parts, determination of spring-back during the curing process or estimation of residual stresses during the manufacturing process. It also has the ability to define and carry out material characterisation tests to feed the simulation processes.
EN9001 Sistemas de Gestión de la Calidad
EN 9100 Sistema de Gestión Aeroespacial
ISO14001 Sistema de Gestión Ambiental
ISO14001 Environmental Management System
ISO17025 Requisitos generales de la competencia de los laboratorios de ensayo y calibración
NADCAP. Non Metallic Materials Testing
Airbus Qualified Special Process List
Airbus Qualified Test Method List