Fidamc is an R&D&I and training centre dedicated to the research, development and application of innovative technologies in the design and manufacture of composite structures. Our aim is to create lighter, more efficient and sustainable solutions, ready for the mobility of the future.
As a national and international benchmark in technological innovation in composite materials, excellence is at the heart of all the centre activities. We meet the quality standards required by the aerospace sector and many other industries. We are characterised by our agility and flexibility and have, since our foundation in 2006, been a leader in research, development and application of composite materials.
We have a diverse board of trustees that includes the leading corporations in the mobility industry in Spain and globally.
The Foundation for Research, Development and Application of Composite Materials (FIDAMC) was created as a result of an agreement between the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade, the Community of Madrid and the company EADS NV, signed on 15 March 2006.
This Research Centre, located in the Parque Tecnológico del Sur, in the municipality of Getafe, is equipped with high-tech means and occupies a surface area of approximately 20,000 square metres.
The decision to create Fidamc responds to the importance that successive governments have given to the aerospace industry sector, given its strategic nature and the need to continue research into the development of composite materials and other new technologies associated with them in order to maintain the important leadership that the Spanish aerospace industry holds in the world.
Foundational purposes
The centre envisages the following foundational aims:
- To establish itself as a Centre of Excellence in R&D&I in composite materials technologies in the interest of the aeronautical industry with the aim of consolidating Spain's leading position in this technological field.
- To foster and promote a network of collaboration with Universities and Research and Development Centres in technologies related to composite materials.
- To maintain a high technological en el desarrollo y la aplicación de los materiales compuestos y nuevos materiales.
- To explore emerging technologies of composite materials with the aim of achieving their rapid industrial application.
- To increase the technological level of Spanish companies of all types, collaborating in the development of composite materials technologies.
- To be a centre for dissemination and training in composite materials technologies.
Technical guidance
The technical orientation is clearly stated in the name of the Centre itself.
FIDAMC's specific objectives are:
- The evolution and improvement of known technologies.
- The analysis, elementary testing and demonstration of emerging technologies for their potential application.
- The application pathways of these technologies to specific products and their optimisation.
- The application pathways of these design principles and analysis methods..
- Proposing new lines of research to the University, research laboratories and other centres.
These activities may concern both aerospace projects and other sectors where the knowledge and experience of the Foundation will contribute to a valuable technology transfer.
The following diagram shows the field of play in which the FIDAMC will operate, situated between Basic Research (Technology Readiness Level - TRL1 to TRL3 according to the technological maturity criteria established by NASA) and Programme and Product Development (TRL7 to TRL9).

Governing Bodies
The Board of Trustees is the governing, representative and administrative body of the Centre, which shall perform the functions corresponding to it, subject to the provisions of current legislation and its Statutes.
At present, representatives of the following organisations are members of the Board of Trustees: Airbus, MTorres, Aciturri, Hexcel, Talgo, Acciona, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, CDTI, Comunidad de Madrid.
The General Director of the Centre is responsible for the development of the executive and administrative functions of the FIDAMC, being appointed by the Board of Trustees, and is currently held by Mr. Ernesto González Durán.

Organisation chart