
Centre for the Research, Development and Application of Composite Materials.

Since 2006 Our Headquarters Creating the Future Fidamc's facilities are located in Getafe, Illescas, Cádiz (Advanced Manufacturing Centre) and Brussels (sales office).

Getafe, Illescas, Cádiz y Bruselas
Since 2006 Getafe Headquarters Creating the Future Fidamc is a R&D and training center dedicated to the research, development and application of innovative technologies in the design and manufacture of composite structures. It is the main headquarters and has been in operation since 2006.

J.Carlos Southwood Carrasco
Getafe, Spain Go to Google Maps >
Since 2006 Illescas Headquarters Creating the Future This is a R&D and training center dedicated to research, development and application of innovative technologies in the design and manufacture of composite structures. It is another of Fidamc's headquarters in Spain.

Patricia Tabarés Fernández
Illescas, Toledo Go to Google Maps >
Since 2024 CFA Headquarters Creating the Future The Center for Innovation in Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (CFA), located in Puerto Real, Cadiz, is a center of reference in advanced technologies related to transport at national and international level.

Isaac Pérez Fafian
Cádiz, Spain Go to Google Maps >
Since 2024 Brussels Headquarters Creating the Future Fidamc has opened a headquarters in Brussels to support the organization's growth in Europe. It is the point of contact with customers and suppliers throughout the EU.

Miguel Ángel Torrijos
Brussels Go to Google Maps >
Juan Carlos J. Carlos Southwood
email juan-carlos.southwood@fidamc.es

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